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Affiliate Protection

Why Choose Us?

Why Should You Buy?

so why should you buy our affiliate protection? well if your affiliate network is shaving your leads,refusing to pay out or any other sorts of shady practises we will fight to give you whats rightfully yours.we have dedicated support to look into your issues and talk to your affiliate network about what is wrong.just pay an inexpensive monthly fee to have cover if your network is doing wrong by you.

no expensive legal fees no worries

we are not a law firm or law agency and are not a team of lawyers we simply fight for what is right.

Pros Of Choosing Us:

No Lock In Contract

your not locked in, simply cancel the cover at any time.

Pay Monthly

pay your cover monthly,no lump sums no worries.

Different Plans

we have many different plans to suit your needs.

our prices:


$ 29.99

per month

  • Personal Use
  • Protection Badge
  • normal support


$ 49.99

per month

  • Commercial Use
  • Protection Badge
  • fast support


$ 79.99

per month

  • Commercial Use
  • Protection Badge
  • very fast support


$ 99.99

per month

  • Lorem ipsum
  • Protection Badge
  • extremely fast support